2015: The close link between crisis and opportunities

9 de February de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

In 2014, Brazilian companies have faced a number of economic challenges. For 2015, there is a provision that are additional to the new setting guidelines for public policies that should continue impacting the economic trajectory of the country. Executives can not wait for the outcome of these changes with arms crossed. The path is now working to increase the productivity of companies, and this certainly relates to investments in technological solutions. Economic mishaps increase the opportunities for companies to leave the homogeneous mass of business and achieve prominent position and market leadership.

Although this is not the way perceived as more natural since Brazil is going through economic difficulties, this is the right time for companies to invest in new technologies to drive the automation of their business. Users who see problems and opportunities not, do not want to spend, and it turns out to set up a major challenge for retailers. For this reason, it is important that retailers sensitize users about the opportunities that are missing to choose not to upgrade their technology. The implementation of new solutions automates the business and helps users to optimize their processes, increase productivity and focus on the sales transactions and customer service.

In times of crisis, it is imperative that companies increase their productivity. Interestingly, companies that continue thriving in Brazil are precisely those that invest in their business. ScanSource is an example. In 2014, we announced our intention to acquire Network1, the communications leading distributor in Brazil. Despite the current economic scenario, ScanSource continually seeks ways to help our reseller partners grow their businesses. There is still time to invest. It is important to ensure that customers not only have at their disposal the right solution of hardware and software, but also they are able to use their resources. And this is another business opportunity.

Resellers can believe that, at this time, users will not realize many purchases due to the economic climate. We, on the other hand, we believe that this is the time to act: promote opportunities and raise awareness among users about the need for new solutions that help increase productivity and optimize their business. It is time to offer solutions that allow companies to survive the crisis and remain competitive. The commercial aspect is a key part to achieve this goal. Resellers should understand how to sell the need and subsequently the solution.

Businesses continue to be affected by cyclical factors. Resellers with vision and courage to walk a path in the opposite direction of common sense can elevate your business to the next level. The year 2015 may be marked by the crisis, but it sure will bring many opportunities for those who know how to identify them.

Full article: http://corporate.canaltech.com.br

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