7 Tips for inactive customer service and its reactivation
Attendance is one of the most important items on business strategy and also to maintain a good relationship with the customer. In this article I give tips on how to reactivate customers and improved ways to approach and also in the reconquest of the client process.
Talk about Customer may seem easy, but the service and inactive clients know that customer service is at the same time something relevant and basic: consumers and customers want to be well attended, it never changed. But now, they want more – best possible care, single treatment, safety, confidence, and the best product possible. If you own a great and reputable product that is already well positioned in the market, okay, will have to deal with other issues. But if it does not, or if the competition is too great, there is a bit more difficult, but not impossible.
Now let’s see, and what kind of care a client who does not want to buy 5 or 6 months ago? Customers who were forgotten by the sellers, or even customers who have had problems with the product or delivery, delay, price – and these? How do you think the strategy of care for these clients? I say again, you think these customers?
Unfortunately, there are many companies that do not even think of looking for them, and focus only on “doing” new customers. However, several studies and research have shown us that acquire a new customer is 5x more expensive to maintain or reactivate who already bought someday. So why not try to reactivate these “forgotten”? demand more time strategy, and a greater relationship? Yes! And I tell you, is no who can do this!
Almost exactly five years working with this: reactivate customers who stopped buying for some reason. Important Note: Work with the contact only by phone and email. But the clients I attend are not just 5 or 6 months ago, most are up to three years ago. And amazingly, already many reactivated! Well, my work – in the beginning – basically depended on it, and then many ask: “How can you”? At first I thought a challenge, and it is. Today even think I have a “gift” for it. But what else has made a difference for me to have success, to be sure, were – besides my studies in Marketing and Public Relations; my learning day by day, attend one by one and toasting each reactivation.
And today, I have expertise in Email-marketing, CRM, customer relations, among others. Well, five years are several different cases that exemplify here: Customers who did not receive merchandise and even then were charged; Customers who have not yet received the request; customers who made the request but received the wrong product; customers who had delayed delivery; or simply those customers who were not visited, contacted or who switched providers. Each case did learn something different, and today, gathering everything that ever lived – among results, reports, and emails from clients with invitations to the inauguration of shops, I would leave here some tips on how to reactivate customers by email or phone.
1 – System – CRM and ERP: have a good system / program management and CRM: now working with a CRM and ERP are complementary. Them are all entries, products, sales, ordering, inventory, e-mails, reports, conversation history, and everything else. Besides keeping me in touch with the customer, informing me his full retrospective through the records of calls and conversations, is also an email marketing tool that I use, where I can target a lot, not only by what is more interesting for the customer, but also for the company. Some companies have rules for vendor sales and brands. And that CRM facilitates separating and segmenting.
2 – Strategy: first step is always to assemble a strategy with the managers. As the first approach will be made; some kind of promotion or campaign for these customers; which initial focus, goals, etc. It is very important to have a strategy for the first contact, to already be prepared for what the client will say, and already have the key answers and solutions at his fingertips.
3 – Customers: Study these inactive clients. If you sell different products or brands; study separately. Try through some tools, find out what made him leave the shop without having to get in touch to learn. If it is impossible, at least please have the data of the last purchase, last updated registration; last contact. Something that can direct you and help you to make the first contact. Also, the organization and list of clients is of paramount importance because you need to define what are the main and most important customers connecting, at what time, or even if this distinction will be (which can be divided on the stage of the strategy)
4 – First contact with the customer and solve the problem: the first contact needs to be as natural and smooth as possible. You should not ask early on why his client stopped buying. First you need to prepare it, identify, ask who is the purchasing or responsible for the shopping industry; how are the sales, as is the market. After you enter the subject, and yet, clearly, but not invasive. If the client has hurts, he can shut up in his face, but he will not! And you know why? he will want to vent the hurt with you, and that’s where you come in! You will be “crying shoulder” that often has undesirable things to hear, however, is. And be more! Be the friend who came to deliver!
But for this, try to find out why knowing the hurt, and not the reason that made him stop buying. May seem the same, and until they are, but it makes available to the customer to know the problem is much more valuable to him! Thereby treating you stop being the “seller” to be the “consultant” (and “friend”) and this will cause him to approach you, or at least open a door for that first. And if that happens, you can try to solve the problem and then, sure, you re-enable a customer! In those cases that just hearing the name of the company ill let you talk, they have to be more calm. But do not give up! he just wants some attention and the resolution of any problem. Think about it!
5 – Segmentation and personalization: if one day the customer left the shop, was for some reason that made him lose empathy, trust, or even the need for your product. In all cases, to bring it back, you must show that you are willing to earn it again. As? treating it personalized, segmented manner. Showing interest in their real needs. Emails, messages, service – everything must be aligned to treat him so that he feels his single most important client. The more you can target, especially email marketing, create more closeness and need. And so, he will come to you!
6 – Email marketing: assuming segmentation, email marketing is a tool that not only I, but most everyone else uses, and where I have more results. Well, my tools today are the phone and email, so would not have much choice. But if he had, remain with the email. He takes up the customer all necessary information about their products, services; can lead enriching content – articles, ads on the brand, clipping, etc; and look, it’s still a great return in order! Jokes aside, the email is where I have more return yes! And so I recommend: seek knowledge in email marketing. Some details on how to not let it become spam, like using a good title, are important and can help you greatly.
7 – After Sales: after sales is rather necessary and even if you can make this service even better. The customer will have more safety! He will make complaints, or compliments, but make confident that you will help. For if you once conquered, continue with your “advice” is just a work of more constant contact, which brings even more and break some barriers. Worth it!
Finally, remember: the only thing a customer wants is inactive be heard! And if you know how to do this without showing who wants to sell, and we want to have him as a client again, you soon will! Some take longer to regain, but others just need a push and will be thanking you for making contact.
Exceed expectations, deliver value, solve ancient problems, fits well, and your reward will come!
Full article: http://www.administradores.com.br/