Customer loyalty in the digital environment

22 de July de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Unsurprisingly for domestic employer that digital media are increasingly present in all market segments. And today, more than ever, there is a daily battle in the market between small, medium and / or large sizes, which are struggling in trying to retain their customers and aim at encompassing new opportunities provided by precisely those who consume the company.

It is necessary to emphasize that the customers referred to above are formed not only of end users, but also for suppliers, distributors and retailers, among others.

Obviously, the search for new markets and the business growth must be constant, since it is vital for the health of it. But the reality is that the cost for a particular company win new customers is much higher than the cost and the advantages of customer loyalty it already has. That goes for everyone.

To the social network Facebook has already taken note of this information, and quickly made his homework. Last March 25, in a North American convention, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO announced that the number of debit and credit cards of its members may be associated with the personal account of his profile on the social network. The idea is to get people to transfer values ​​and buy products directly via Messenger system.

The goal behind something so recent is not limited to the fact that social network attempts to make life easier for its users, bringing more this convenience. In fact, there is, in a veiled way, a treacherous intention to retain users by the fear that bank details stored in their Facebook account may be unprotected, since canceled the account on that social network.

The question hangs in the air at this point is whether there is an ethical limit in the issue loyalty or really worth all the time to ensure the market. Remember that, depending on the measure adopted, it may generate the opposite effect, causing the rejection of those who once had been in love with particular company or product.

The resulting legal battle that no exact equation is at the heart of ethical boundaries and even legal in this way to grow and consolidate in the market.

The customer loyalty is now a powerful weapon consolidation or for small and medium companies can raise larger flights. In this context, it is impossible to make up the reality that the internet is the fastest and most effective means of communication, sales, distribution, collection and customer loyalty.

However, strategy, vision and, above all, the support and the legal apparatus can not be left out in time to start such a procedure, taking the name of a brand, a product and / or any company regardless of what your branch, in view of the intellectual property rules that protect certain media approaches, as well as certain practices that can be seen as unfair and harmful to consumer interests.

The innovation of Facebook is the very example of this. Although it seems simple, require a legal support towards secrecy, data storage conditions on the Internet, security protocols and data privacy, questions present in the relevant legislation.

Although a loyalty work need not be as complex as the aforementioned social network, there are precautions that can never be left on their own. Because, currently, an information propagated by certain consumer thematic discussion groups on social networks takes stratospheric proportions both in a positive way and mainly in a negative way. The communication of the internet is fast and the information spread instantly.

Consumer protection agencies and professional class councils are increasingly attentive and rigorous with regard to surveillance measures abalroem the implicit ethics in marketing relations. This, due to the maturing of customers and consumers who increasingly seek quality products at a fair price, in full compliance with the announced.

In such a match and at the same time as democratic as the internet and social networking environment, this incongruity can not be an excuse for the loyalty of work become headache for lack of legality, strategy and market analysis by who does it.

Ignore the digital way in time to be present in the lives of their consumers and clients may be the tip of the poisoned arrow. There is still time to run after the injury. However, before launching the luck and get that relationship of trust and proximity to customers and consumers, it is ideal that make an advisory legal analysis and marketing strategy so that there’s time to enter this road of no return.

The reality is that the secret of success seems to have not changed – even after including all new digital media – and is still linked to details such as good service, efficiency, quality of products and services offered, fair price and responsibility at the time of court loyalty to the target market.

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