The IT and the importance of having the calculated risks

28 de May de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Who has not come across the reverie of a customer or partner about the risks of a project? We, as leaders, when we make a design analysis, we need to demonstrate these risks calculated manner so that some things do not get out of hand and not be late for problems that may not come into being.

But how to calculate these risks and try to predict these aspects? I’ll tell you!

Before starting the project, it is necessary to make it a scope and a SWOT analysis (weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats). This analysis serves precisely to assess what risks we may have in the future. At this stage, a tip is very important: use a maximum of three points, as more points will make you lose focus and spend more energy on speculation than the solution itself.

These three points should be analyzed with three “if” within the project reality. For example, if the project is the implementation of a new server, I need to put three questions for a possible failure or problem. Example: “What if the system crashes?” “And if power?”, “What if the machine burn?”. For each of these issues, we must anticipate the actions to be taken and the estimated time of each one.

This is calculated risk: having the knowledge of the risk and how heal it. It may even be appearing other important risks, but it is essential based only on the most likely, but we have things like: “What if a thief come and steal the machine,” “What if the ceiling falls on the machine” . Believe me, questions like these are not rare to listen, is an extremely customer focused or even a colleague who is in the project.

Our role as leaders on this, is to bring the project to the client’s reality, so that it is the most viable possible. And for that, nothing better than a good methodology and analysis. There are several options on the market that support projects of all sizes and complexity. So, you have a better basis not only of knowledge but also based on an international standard, which can bring greater security to those involved in the project.

Speaking of safety, the advantage of having the calculated risk is that if any of them occur in the course or at the end of the process, you can inform the customer and make mention of what was discussed and informed in design. Thus, you gain credibility in what was said, and can offer the customer even after the delivery project, a new review and SWOT analysis, generating other calculated risks and other actions to do so.

Be aware, however, that these are errors of calculation for deployment. It is extremely important after any add-on project or change in the initial scope, do further analysis to ensure that the risk is calculated to mitigate potential problems and increase the level of assertiveness.

Either way, remember that the strongest tool in high-risk projects is dialogue and the didactic, as no methodology will safely to your interlocutor altogether. Only face to face and intonation generate confidence that it will need to accept their advice and thus walk together on a project, since the risk is not only yours, and yes, all of you.

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