Cybersecurity: rise of the internet will bring more solutions or problems?

29 de December de 2014, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

In Brazil gains strength the global trend of internet access through mobile device, mobile phones and tablets. The reason for this trend is the ability to solve various everyday issues via the web, such as conduct banking transactions, information and, of course, to communicate for free, in social networks and applications, such as What’s up, Viber, Skype and others.

According to information from Ibope of a survey commissioned by the Department of Social Communication of the Presidency, the number of people who claimed to access the mobile Internet grew 65%, while access via computer dropped from 84% to 71% in the last year.

Another interesting research given as mass communication, is that while the TV is still the primary means of communication in Brazil, Brazilians with internet access already spend more time surfing the web (4h59min / sec to Friday), that watching TV (4h31min / sec to Friday). In the hierarchy of communication media, the Internet already ranks third, behind the radio and TV.

It happens that, like everything in life, the overwhelming success of the Internet also has its consequences and side effects. Among them we can highlight the amount of web addicts, which grew dramatically. A recent study in Hong Kong reveals that 6% of the world’s Internet users, about 420 million people can not disconnect from the network. For experts, Internet addiction is similar both in behavior and in effect to drug addiction, and the root of the problem from both compulsions hyperactivity or depression, among others.

The lack of privacy online is another difficult problem. This issue is closely linked to information security in the network, are on the agenda of major players in the internet, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others. With the recent leaks of confidential information of clients occurred in cyberatacks like Sony for example, the issue will certainly influence consumer confidence and their way of relating to the web.

After the onslaught of recent hackers at Sony Pictures, leaked confidential information to directors and actors, the latest victim on the world stage was South Korea, which had its plans subtracted nuclear reactors. This is the fourth leaks of confidential information of Korea Hydor & Nuclear Power.

It is noteworthy that the latter cyberatack occurs with the background of the formal exchange of accusations between the US and North Korea, blamed for the attack on Sony Pictures, which theoretically would be retaliation for a company film with reference to Kim Jong Un.

In an increasingly virtualized and globalized world, will become increasingly important concern of corporations and states with the security of information on the web. In this context the ITU – International Telecommunication Union, the UN agency specialized in this field, also recently attacked earlier this month by hackers, organized a meeting in Doha on 09 past, especially to address the Cybersecurity topic on the network.

According to the ITU, the web security must be built in a cooperative environment between nations and with the participation of all industries and sectors of telecommunications worldwide. Were defined as goals at the meeting, the promotion strategies of governments to combat cyber criminals implementation efforts between telecommunications industries, universities and NGOs in the sector, as well as the encouragement of policy debate and awareness of a safety culture on the web at throughout the world.

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