Discipline is key to achieving long-term goals

11 de June de 2014, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

According to experts, the lack of discipline is the main reason for discontinuation of projects

The effort, dedication and discipline over a long period are always needed to achieve some important goals. Pass the entrance exam or a competition; learn a language; get a promotion; save enough money for a trip are some examples of achievements that require effort and discipline in the long term. However, in all areas, it is observed that many people end up giving up on their goals along the way.

A specialist in Strategic Management of People SIAS Jacqueline Rao explains that lack of discipline is the main reason for discontinuation of projects. “People forget that the way to achieve any goal is tortuous and therefore it is essential to strive and be focused,” he says.

Within this context, it explained that the development of the discipline competence, it is necessary to create a schedule for personal achievement indicators, including the constant monitoring of targets and the establishment of a motivational line to boost achievements.

“We need to have perspective and focus on the areas that support the personal foundation, and we trace our personal mission, values ​​and goals that guided these. Planning must go through the triad planning, discipline and maturity. The ideal is to establish priorities that we need to get to achieve realization, for example, and I do not want, get what you need; and I do not want, what we need to eliminate “analyzes.

Discipline as the personality

There are varying degrees of organization. According to the precepts of the Enneagram, the eneatipo 7 has great difficulty in organizing because he is always looking for activities that are pleasurable to you. People with these characteristics have the need to move, which allows both non discipline. Already, people with eneatipo number 1 tend to be perfectionists. “Exaggeration is always harmful. In the case of very disciplined person, organization can be harmful from the moment that limits creativity. Already, disorganized individuals are disadvantaged from the moment we are unable to organize their own ideas. Ie, it has a lot of creativity, but without organization among them, “says behavioral analyst Getúlio Keys.

Discipline is a habit that can be acquired, enhanced or mitigated. For this, it is important to be able to relativize expand the fields of perception and creativity. “Self-knowledge is a great ally to change behaviors and achieve goals. Looking the way to go for a new perspective, seek help through self-knowledge and mirroring examples on other people, knowing how to question their behavior would be in such a situation, the first step is to acquire habits to organize. The identification of behavioral patterns acts as a facilitator so that the person can achieve their goals and objectives, “explains the analyst.

Source: www.administradores.com.br

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