The success of a team in the era of interconnectivity

8 de September de 2014, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

The analogies that use team sports as a parameter gain visibility in several applications. At the corporate level, since 2010 we have used and perfected Sport Network Analysis, a methodology for collecting and analyzing data that allows us to understand the dynamics of teamwork from the perspective of networks within business organizations.

Workflows of informal networks in corporate organizations represent a collaboration network that only works to its fullest if the team actually act collectively.

Football players, for example, communicate through the ball, the common object and disputed that unites the team around a single goal: the goal. The pass is the element that establishes the bonds of trust and partnership for collaboration. The same happens in companies where the pass is substituted for communication in daily, exchange of knowledge, motivation and new ideas to do better work.

Thus, the analyzes of networks of passes on the lawns resemble maps flows from informal networks within organizations, because they determine the success or failure of teams. Here is where the Sport Network Analysis and Analysis of Organizational Networks combine to diagnose, monitor and stimulate the winning teams.

The CEO of an organization is seen as the coach of a team, playing the role of the manager that interacts and coordinates their employees to solve the problems encountered.

The strategic vision of “collective moves” and partnerships arising in “game” allows us to measure the level of integration and overall motivation of a team, be it in sports or organizational context.

Likewise, we have the commercial area manager of a service company, whose 20 employees have to articulate in communication networks, knowledge, motivation and innovation to solve everyday challenges and maximize opportunities.

Organizational networks today are increasingly complex, because networks of relationships these 20 employees are not limited to each of sectors, but are extended to the rest of the organization. In the commercial area this web expands further and reaches an ecosystem outside the organization.

These social networks are highly complex and, increasingly, it is strategic to understand them to manage them intelligently with the most appropriate tools.

Comparing the game with networking, the challenges encountered and the ways used to overcome them show the informal leaders of the team on the field, the degree of influence and relevance of each player, where bottlenecks team and the axis are articulator collaborative action. Further, the measured results allow to prove scientifically that the best teams always play on network.


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