Where do IT investments in 2015?

Also know the areas that tend to undergo shrinkage in the volume of projects over the next year
Technology executives begin to make their project lists (and desires) for next year. There is great expectation that mobility initiatives involving intensify even more in the near future. This in itself should pull a series of parallel and complementary initiatives involving themes such as security, cloud, analytics and development systems.
There is a gap in the market optimism. Even with a virtually stagnant economy, IT leaders show up excited. A survey of American Computerworld shows recovery in budgets for technology.
Almost half (43%) in a total of 194 respondents said that their budgets will grow. This reveals an increase of 7 percentage points over the projection checked to 2014. The average growth in investments rotates at around 4.3%. Here are some topics that are on the table in discussions of many CIOs the world outside.
1. Security - Is there a priority of organizations for the future soon. We saw a lot of bad news (Home Depot, Target, …) on data theft reaching the media in the recent past. By the same token, that security features appear on the radar of 46% of the technology leaders in the study. The list includes projects involving everything from access control tools, intrusion prevention, identity management and protection against viruses and malware.
Incidentally, this is an area that follows a constant and intense pace in terms of investment over the last decade. The challenge now aims to balance the protection levels of business agility. Logo means a search for increasingly proactive approaches in this harvest.
2. Cloud - Companies follow a plumbing movement of investments in cloud computing, to the detriment of large sums allocated in building their own infrastructure. More than 40% of Computerworld study respondents indicated that their organizations will invest more in software as a service (SaaS) and a mix of public clouds, private and hybrid over 2015.
For many companies, the migration to this new environment does not require different investments already provided. This is a change pocket. Instead of buying their own servers, storage and systems, buy software infrastructure and paying as a Service. But obviously there are some exceptions, especially among small and medium organizations, leaping steps and, in many cases already go straight to the new computer architecture.
3. Business Analytics - Big date appears each time more clearly on the horizon of organizations: 38% of IT executives surveyed said they expend more technology resources in analysis tools, data mining and business intelligence next year. Scanning of organizations comes as a strong theme for companies from now. This is due to factors ranging from the explosion of social networks to elements of the Internet of Things (IoT).
4. Application Development - More than a third (38%) of respondents indicated that spend more money upgrading or replacing applications, including mobile app.
5. Wireless connection / Guests - Resources for mobility initiatives reflect, to some extent, the time experienced by the industry. The research identified that 35% of respondents plan some sort of project accordingly. But it is misleading to think that it has exclusive relationship with devices. Efforts will play RFID technologies, remote access tools, management applications remotely and also in more traditional application environments coverage with wireless networks and acquisition of equipment. Another fact also relates to the strategies to support the movement of consumerization (BYOD) by IT departments.
But not everything is perfect. The investments tend to decline in some areas. Hardware, living a hard time, should embitter another difficult year. The survey 24% of respondents signaled reduction in spending on servers, PCs and other equipment. With a greater inclination to outsourcing of IT operations, 19% of respondents stated that modernization projects or replacement of legacy systems will be in the background and 16% indicated they intend to spend less on data center consolidation.
Investment in installed software also will not have a very exciting future in 2015. The survey reveals that 15% of companies expect to cut spending on ERP and CRM systems, open source tools, SOA, operating systems and more. Another area that will see cuts in resources plays unified messaging and communication systems.
Priority: cost containment
Even with more money to invest in the next year, 53% of IT executives surveyed put the ‘cost containment’ factor with one of his top priorities. This aspect is followed by automation of business processes (47%) and optimization of existing investments (44%).
Full article: http://cio.com.br/