Why do I want a consultant?

9 de April de 2014, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

When we feel the need to seek a consultant is necessary to be clear what we really want. Moreover, it will be good consultant to understand at the first meeting, in whole or in part, which are or may be the institution’s needs

The consulting practice has in lived experience and knowledge acquired in the essential requirements for the effective care of the client companies. Besides the need for a good deal of general knowledge, specific knowledge must be kept current and organized and directed to the area of expertise of the consultant form. After the consultant is an expert on a particular subject and your product is the sale of acquired knowledge.

Long ago, the consulting activity was nothing even close to the generations formed between 60 and 90. Essentially, generations were prepared to work in institutions, whether private or public. Entrepreneurship was not part of any school curriculum and is consulting entrepreneurship.

In the ’90s, hostesses, taken by reengineering virus, began to think in the formulation and construction of a “plan b ” for the continuity of their lives. Instead of employment and salary, the slogans have become employment and income. As well Consultant Julio Cardozo said: “It is for us within this information-based society, enhancing our knowledge and skills acquired in transforming something alive in the population as active, even after 70 years.”

A good part of these professionals left for the consulting activity. Some did very well, others not so much (continued to act and think like employees and subordinates). Today we have a wide range of good consultants with fees that fit into the pockets of customers. Right consultant for the right customer!

Today it is a fact that all areas have become leaner and their multifunctional occupants. So not all the expertise available in the institution. When we feel the need to seek a consultant is necessary to be clear what we really want. Moreover, it will be good consultant to understand at the first meeting, in whole or in part, which are or may be the institution’s needs.

Hire a consultant without having notion (however small) of what is desired as a product to be delivered is betting that the last bullet hits the target on the trigger.

Another question to ask yourself is ” Do we really need a consultant ? We can not solve this with internal resources ? ” The development of a project by the institution’s own personal shortens paths in the category “business knowledge”, however, be lost as a technical or methodological competence.

In consulting work responsibilities that will always fit the consultant and responsibilities that will fit the institution. I think ideal and common sense that a professional institution and subject area of hiring the consultant, acting in partnership to provide business knowledge, culture and values ​​, as well as to acquire the technical memory is being done and how is being done. Will be the consultant is the technique memory.

The first meeting with a consultant must have an investigative nature, like a selection process in order to understand, analyze, realize and feel that it really is a specialist area that the institution needs.

A well selected consultant has already acquired his entrepreneurial story lived, attended numerous courses in information, training and updating, already “filtered wheat from chaff” in all of them, have missed and hit and is there beside you, at your disposal.

The person responsible for hiring, beyond the management of the daily routines and projects should provide a time to be allocated to assist the consultant in the familiarization and understanding of the business and knowledge of relevant historical and interest. Information from a committed mistakes, if any, previous consultants will certainly be beneficial for those who are coming.

The evaluation of consulting work is the comparison of predicted (“bought”) with held. Learning / memory technique and use of the product delivered. Of income and benefits. Adding value. Empathy and the availability of the consultant to “help” the institution.

The relationship between a consultant and an institution has to be well treated, well watered and cultivated. Should generate behaviors that inspire confidence. The results are rarely satisfactory when only one side is involved and responsible.

Source: www.administradores.com.br

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