Editora FTD was born in Brazil in 1902, as a natural consequence of the need for expansion of operations of the Marist Brothers in the area of education in the country.
Located in Guarulhos, SP, Park Publisher FTD graph occupies an area of over 51,000 m². Modern systems offer a high standard from printing to finishing the carton and packaging to meet the requirements of the market and ensuring editorial quality FTD, printed throughout the country as a mark of success and reliability.
Aimed at continuous improvement of the level of service to its internal and external customers, Editora FTD recently opted for the implementation of WMS to control deposits of raw materials, where there was more need for control, meeting the delivery requirements of production.
In this process, the SCM Concept professionals worked together with Editora FTD in process design and deployment of the solution, and the result could not be other than the project’s success. “With the implementation of WMS we now have finer control of operations between production and deposits of raw materials. The speed and accuracy of the information between the two areas is paramount to our business and WMS presented as an efficient feature to this our need, “says Monica Nascimento, business analyst Editora FTD.
The next step is to implement the deposits of the finished product already planned for the first half of 2011.
The Neptune Foods, one of the largest fish of Brazil, ...
Editora FTD was born in Brazil in 1902, as a ...
In June this year, the unit exhausts the Tuper SA ...