Social networks in the enterprise: release or prohibit?

10 de July de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

The question above shows a dilemma experienced daily by many companies: prohibit access to a network that automatically takes the focus of its employees or allow access to that network, for the well-being.

With the large amount of available gadgets and quick access through numerous devices, social networks are inevitable. Incidentally, the number of networks is exorbitant and for all tastes. Disclosure fed by the user spreads and creates the famous “fad”. Social networks reinvent themselves and, parallel to that, its creators still buy new startups to continue in taste and in the daily lives of users. Thus, access to networks is inevitable, whether on mobile, tablet or desktop.

Fact is: we live in the era of C – Likes, Click, shares – and in seconds, information is disseminated, displayed and had seen to comment on the evening news. So why run away from them?

I work in companies that have both liberal policies as more conservative. So I can say with all certainty: the difference is not in the access that you lock or release, but the maturity of their teams. This is the detail that makes all the difference. If you have a mature team, making deliveries and meets the expectations and yet you play the “King of locks”, will have a big problem with the staff. The opposite is also true, free access to a team that knows that will not meet the expectations will cause it to lose even more focus.

The big question is: you want to find solutions for the company and working with a strategic staff or seek locks so that, increasingly, his team did not lose focus? It may be that this block is part of company policy, but it is worth fighting for that to change, provided you have the right arguments and assured that his team will produce more with it. Moreover, the difference between his collaborator access their networks for micro enterprise or look at cell (after all, that you can not block)?

There are also companies where only the direction and management have allowed access to networks. Other employees do not. In this case, the situation is much more complicated because it reigns the pyramidal hierarchy, which tends to die gradually with the new pace set by new generations who enter the labor market. So the company that does not suit it, tends to have difficulties in retaining talent, as the impact on motivation and freedom are factors that weigh heavily in the decision of these young professionals.

I am a manager with a focus on team and, when we analyze the maturity and leveled for a better environment and a faster delivery, makes all the difference. A team that has maturity, have commitment and focus in deliveries will not be access to social networks that will make a difference. If you as a leader displays his team make deliveries, but spends more time on social networks than you think, know that the issue is with you. What are the challenges of this team? The targets are not low for her? How to make so that they can overcome and reinvent every day? Most of the time these teams are motivated by challenges and the more complex the challenge, the more they will engage to give the result. An analysis of your team and see how they can be overcome.

The same goes for teams that need a lock to be able to produce and not disperse. In this case, it is worth further consideration. If this is happening with the team or a single person – in which case worth a frank and open conversation with members, where often a break is needed for a cheer team. At other times, the lack of challenge and discourages social network turns into focus to be distracted from tasks that may seem boring. Now, if you have challenge, many projects and the team did not delivery, make sure that the social network will make no difference, because when the staff would reach a goal and traces this goal, there is no social network that hold. In this case, whatever you allow or block access.

Make the experience of challenges to team with locks released and access, pay attention to the responsiveness of the staff members and equate results. You will be surprised what the developer can do, either for good or for evil.

Remember, the company consists of people and this is its greatest asset. So take care of them!

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