Services: the future of decent work

5 de August de 2013, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

The Services sector acts as legitimate propellant employability, often leading the ranking of the largest contractors in the country.

Industrial automation, which had its heyday between the late 50s and early 60s, replaced part of human labor by machines. It was a shock: at the time, a stream of thinkers warned of the danger of creating a society without workers. Jeremy Rifkin, in his book The End of jobs, reports that “a society without workers evokes the idea of ​​a bleak future of mass unemployment and widespread poverty, marked by social unrest and revolutions.”

Half a century later, it appears that the technology actually deleted the man’s hand in numerous activities. However, the prediction about the termination of the work is lost in dust time. Rather, it has been made enormous efforts to reduce unemployment, with favorable conditions for increasing inclusion of workers in the formal market.

The Services sector in this context acts as legitimate propellant employability, often leading the ranking of the largest contractors in the country Inserted this large umbrella is the provision of services be outsourced, which enables the creation of jobs in various areas, encouraging qualification and social evolution. There are rare cases who began his career in outsourcing and lifted higher flights in professional climbing, which demonstrates and proves the important role played by segment: to create jobs and provide qualification.

News spread about outsourcing is not always in line with reality, because only highlight conflicts between service providers and workers, which is common in any sector of the economy. But it must be noted, regardless of ideology, that outsourcing is now a key to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, it contributes to a more streamlined and reduced operational costs such as manpower, personnel department, purchasing, legal, logistics , among others.

The service contributes finally to the development of the national economy as a whole, since its main expertise is differential. More competitive, companies improve conditions to increase profit and create a greater number of jobs directly or indirectly. To get an idea, last year, outsourcing was formally responsible for employing 1.5 million workers with wages at R$ 22 billion. Won the Country, with allocation of R$ 1.94 billion for the FGTS and R$ 4.6 billion to R$ 4.6 billion INSS.

By misinformation or bad faith, propagates the information that outsourcing undermines labor relations. On the contrary, serious companies raise the value of formal work and comply with all its obligations. Entrepreneurs working in this sector and integrate the main union employer category, the Sindeprestem, who is completing 22 years of history, are all committed to the legality and the strict compliance with its obligations. Clearly, regardless of the industry, there are always good and bad organizations. Who does not fulfill legal commitments and receives tax penalty of law. To these we must curb, create efficient means – such as the adoption of a specific law – so stop acting freely competing unfairly and detrimental to the image of the sector.

Therefore, classifying business of providing services as “birds of a feather” is the greatest injustice that can commit to those that help move the economy and are dedicated to providing quality service and good working conditions for people.


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