Mobile Solutions: strategic tools for business

10 de June de 2014, by , Posted in News, Comments Off

Mobility refers to the ability of decision with the professional, wherever he is

For some time, the phone has expanded its portfolio of services: no longer just a means of communication to become an indispensable strategy to leverage business results. The unit gained processing power, turning into a set of work ranging from appointments and tasks calendar tools, through the use of personal productivity applications, reaching allow synchronized operation of information systems through cloud computing. With labor mobility, the office is no longer a physical place. The boundaries of this area were broken, increasing the productive potential, both for companies and for customers and suppliers.

Mobility refers to the ability of decision with the professional, wherever he is. Business models, the heave and values ​​professional to accompany him to take decisions immediately and can close the deal before the competitor does. However, do not just put a mobile phone or a tablet in the hands of a professional. You need to make applications that are capable of reproducing decision models and provide the appropriate information in the field. Otherwise, it’s just a cute toy. It’s like when I talk to clients and students: includes applications that improve mobility and make life easier for professionals. Need to be built with a focus on activity, and not on the business process.

The rear is that automation has a role to synchronize the information and the movements, transforming them and including them in the daily workflow of the company. If this is done, there is no risk of the professionals do not accept the application. However, there are two main issues to consider. The first is resistance to change. The mobility brings changes and responsibilities which in itself already establish that wear resistance. The second is that, often, contrary to recommend, you create mobile applications with the same profile and weight of that run on the desktop.

This causes them to become slow and difficult to use, and mixed field functions with back-office functions that could be handled by automation of the workflow (business process automation) and rules on the server. The mobile application does not solve everything inside the device, it is part of a computing model that merges local functionality, synchronization and business rules in the cloud, and return results to the field. Thus, the mentioned difficulties still make plenty to be transferred to your device and make the designers to create applications complicated and difficult to use, making them infeasible in practice.

The combination of these two factors can turn a mobility project into a disaster. Hence the importance of adopting accurate models and proven results that articulate little information and allow fast processing. That is, working with information that requires little typing, but are sufficient to generate results that support the seller’s process.

In addition, applications must allow synchronization to update the information in automatically and trigger the necessary actions depending on the decision system. More business in less time is the name of the game. And bet on it is key.


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