Three wishes for the cloud in 2015

9 de January de 2015, by , Posted in News, 0 Comment

Unfortunately, although these predictions need come true, they will not happen anytime soon

We are at that time of year when consulting the clog of articles on futuristic forecasts. Most revolves around technologies that are already on the market. Extremely predictable, right? Wanted to do something different. Here are three cloud computing predictions for 2015 that have no chance of becoming reality, although they should.

1. Companies will finally have a good idea of security meaning in cloud computing
Everyone is interested in security, but all will find that it does not really work in the cloud – and no one in the IT department is still able to tell me why. The fact of the matter is that most of the IT professionals of the companies do not have a good understanding of what it means to build a secure cloud, so that the standard reaction is that the “cloud computing is insecure.”

The cloud is as safe as what you do – just as their enterprise systems are as safe as you make them be. Ask the Sony Pictures or other large companies that saw their names in the headlines this year. None of the great hacks were due to security issues in the cloud; my guess is that hackers took advantage of security issues of corporate systems as well.

2. Architectures cloud will become simpler and easier to understand
We are moving toward a complex architecture, widely distributed cloud-based systems. The intention to take the entire data center the company to a single public cloud provider becomes more complex every week.

No cloud provider does it all. Companies will be forced to invest in hybrid clouds and multicloud architectures, layers of governance technologies, security, and bank on-premise data.

The situation is complicated, and will be even more.

3. The cloud is determined to be profitable, always
The ROI on cloud computing projects varies widely. Sometimes the value is easy to define, and comes quickly after deployment. In other cases, the cloud-based solutions end up costing more than traditional approaches, but it is not apparent until after deployment.

The trick is to simulate the numbers to find out the value that cloud computing will really bring your company, considering the cost of change, the cost of risk, and the use of a model against a capex opex model. The cloud provides a value most often, but not always.

Be careful!

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